Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jason & Allison

This is where it all began . . .
This is our group of missionaries leaving the England London South Mission on April 15, 1991. Jason is the one peaking his head into the picture on the back left side. I am the one second from the right.

Jason and I flew home from the same mission at the same time. I knew who he was and he knew who I was, but we didn't officially "meet" until our mission president's homecoming in July 1991. Our mission mom asked if I had been dating much since coming home from my mission. I told her no. She told me it was okay to look around there at the homecoming. She said there was a huge group of wonderful elders to choose from. I found the best one!

Jason and I had our first date August 3, 1991 up in Cache Valley. Our second date was in Salt Lake on August 10. We got engaged the next day (yes, 8 days after our first date). We were married in the Jordan River Temple on October 25, 1991. Now here we are 16 years later and counting . . .

1 comment:

Maria Ison said...

Oh gosh that picture of Jason that I "did not" see is hilarious! How fun to see pictures of the two of you from back in the day when it all began.