Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Planetarium & Fountain at Gateway

On Sunday we were able to go to a free preview of a 3D movie at the planetarium. Salt Lake County employees get offers to attend free previews of new shows. This is the 2nd show we've been to. This one was about water conservation and the Grand Canyon. It was fun to go out and spend time as a family (yes, Jason was even there)! After the movie was over, we found ourselves back at the Olympic Fountain at Gateway. This time I let the kids wear their swimsuits. They were thrilled to play in the fountain again . . . especially on a Sunday!

Fun, Wet Weekend!

This past weekend we spent a lot of time in downtown Salt Lake City. The kids and I took Trax to Gateway and spent some time walking around looking through all the shops. It was a hot day, so we HAD to end up at the Olympic Fountain. It took a little bit of coaxing, but then the kids all "jumped in" and started having fun in the water. I did tell them not to get soaked. They didn't listen. Oh well! At least they had fun!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Okay, so I was tagged by my sister-in-law Misty to list 8 of my quirks. I have many more quirks than 8, but I'll try to narrow them down. Hmmm . . . here goes:

1 - I love to talk to people. I can talk to anyone, anywhere. It used to drive me crazy that my mom would do this in the grocery store, doctor's office, mall, etc. Now I do the same thing. I know it drives my kids crazy, but I don't care. I love to talk to people!

2 - It drives me absolutely crazy when people don't spell things right! The word that drives me crazy the most is alot. It is a-space-lot (a lot)! Not alot (no space). It is two words!

3 - I absolutely go nuts when I see people with either one sock on or their socks hanging off their feet! Jason will walk around with his socks half on sometimes just to watch my reaction. It completely drives me nuts!!!

4 - I do too much for everyone else and not enough for myself. I guess this is good in a way, but it is also bad. I would much rather be helping someone than taking time for myself. I am learning how to change this behavior and start doing things that I want to do.

5 - Another thing that totally drives me crazy are kids that run up on stage at the church during ward activities. I know the kids are just having fun, but it totally bothers me. When it happens my heart races until it almost pounds out of my chest.

6 - If I have a stomach ache the only things I can eat are Zesta Saltines and Coke (regular and not diet). Nothing else will help my stomach feel better except for crackers and Coke.

7 - Another spelling lesson ... it is "your" if you are talking possessive and "you're" if you mean to say YOU ARE. It bugs me to no end when people write something like, "Your a great friend!" or "Your awesome!" It drives me nuts!!!!

8 - I have way too many pet peeves (as you can see above). It drives me nuts that so many things drive me nuts! Maybe I am just an overall nutty person???

Okay, anyone who is reading this that hasn't done it already, you are tagged!

More pictures?

If any of my cousins have more pictures you'd like to add to the slide show, please feel free to e-mail them to me. I will add them to the rest.

For some reason I didn't get any pictures of Makayla, Jon or Julie's family (cause I had to leave as they got there). I'd love to have more pictures to add!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Great Grandma Mackay's 86th Birthday

Grandma Mackay
Great Grandma and Megan
Uncle Randy and Grandma
Hayden (Russell's son) and Great Grandma

We had a nice party for Grandma for her 86th birthday. We had cake and an icecream sundae bar. The kids all enjoyed playing together on the playground. They had a good game of hide and seek going on too. I think Grandma enjoyed the party we had for her!

Learner's Permit!

Megan got her learner's permit last Friday (June 6, 2008). She is loving being behind the wheel. I've only had a few times where I've screamed at her to hit the brakes. So far so good. She has not run over anyone, hit anything or rammed into the garage door ; ) She will have all 40 driving hours completed before Summer is over with. She will be ready for Driver's Ed in school and ready to get her license in February. It will be very nice to be able to have someone to help me run the kids all over the place!