Monday, November 10, 2008

It's about time!

Okay, I've been getting a little bit of slack (okay, a lot of slack) from my friends wondering if I am ever going to update my blog. I really haven't had time to keep up on it too much. I keep thinking that maybe things will start to slow down a little in my life, but they never do.

Here is what we've been up to since my last post:

Halloween Activity at the church. Jason and I are the Activities Committee Charimen in our ward. We had an activity on Thursday, October 30th. It turned out to be really great! We had a LOT of people come to our activity, parade, trick-or-treat around the church. I was glad to see so many people there! It was a lot of work, but certainly well worth every minute spent planning!

Halloween - October 31. My kids were all out of school that day, whether being off track, no preschool or out for the end of the term. We went to Gardner Village to see the witches (along with everyone else and their dogs). I was really ornery, but trying to be happy for the kids. We visited with Great Grandma for a bit as we went trick-or-treating at her house. Then we came home to get ready to go out for the night. The kids got way too much candy and I was way too tired when we got back home. It was fun, but I am glad it is over for another year!

November 4 - Lexi's 11th birthday!!! I will go into more detail in another blog. She had a very good birthday and was spoiled rotten :) She had a birthday party this past Saturday (Nov 8). We went bowling and to Leatherbys. We had a great time!

1st big snow day of the season! Zac and Jaxon played outside for about 3 hours the day it snowed. They helped me shovel the sidewalks and then they went out back to build a snowman. They had so much fun! The snow was about melted when the girls all got out of school so they missed out on playing outside.

Today - I went to preschool for about an hour with Zac until he was okay. He has been throwing major fits when I leave him at school lately. It is driving me crazy! I've tried to ignore it and just leave him kicking and screaming. I've tried staying for a minute and then leaving. Today I stayed for an hour and helped cut papers out for an activity. I left when he was no longer looking back at the table for me. I hope he did okay. This "power trip" or whatever Zac is going through right now is about to drive me crazy. I love him dearly though!

Okay, so I tried to upload some pictures to add to this, but there is something wrong with my computer. I will put photos on later.