Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008!!!

Where did December go? I can't believe it is the end of the month and more especially the end of the year. I guess we better get ready to start a new year. Ready or not . . . here it comes!!!

Our family had a great Christmas! The kids were spoiled rotten! Jason and I broke down and bought a Wii for the family. We got Aerosmith Guitar Hero, Mario Kart, Wii Sport, Wii Play and Wii Fit. The kids have had a great time with it! Jason and I were forced to play a couple of the games tonight since we hadn't played before. We bowled one game, played a few games of tennis and then did a round of boxing. Yes, Jason beat me in all three games, but we had fun! I can't believe I am sweating after playing video games!!!

We have had a great 2008 and look forward to an even greater 2009! I have been thinking of some New Year's Resolutions for myself. The first thingI am going to work on is to get my Diabetes under control. I was officially diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a few weeks ago. I was started on Metformin. I will be going to Diabetic Counseling at the hospital next week. I am actually looking forward to it because I want to feel better. I will actually learn what I need to do and what I need to eat so that I can keep my sugars under control. Today makes it one year that I started working out at Curves. I can't say that I've lost much weight, but I have lost a lot of inches and I am stronger and feel better. I am going to stick with Curves again this coming year. I just need to be better at attending 3 times or more a week. I also am making a goal that I will be more organized this year. I will work at decluttering my house.

This year we have a lot of things to look forward to . . .
* Megan turning 16, driving and dating :0
* Amanda taking a trip to France this summer
* Zac starting Kindergarten
* Lexi turning 12 and going to young womens
* Kristen turning 9 and knowing everything there is to know about everything (yes, she is right behind me reading over my shoulder)
* Jason getting a 1% raise - hee hee
* Me getting smaller and healthier
* Mocha (the Stud) getting a date or two

Those are just a few things we have coming up this year.

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This is for Mom : )

My mom just sent me an e-mail wanting me to update my blog. Apparently she didn't see my "I'm thankful for . . ." entry that I made last night. I know I have been bad at updating my blog. Things have been crazy!

Here is what has been happening in our family: Megan is busy with school (classes and social life in the Student Activities Committee and Key Club). Amanda is busy with school also (classes, preparing to start Academic Games and Student Body Officer meetings). Lexi is busy practicing her clarinet for her concert next week in school. Kristen isn't that busy these days. She just loves to come home from school and watch re-runs of Extreme Home Make Over on the DVR. Zac is just Zac. He is happiest just trying to keep Mommy on her toes all the time. Jason is working lots of overtime hours. Allison is relieved to have the Ward Christmas Party over with!!! She is also busy shopping and getting ready for Christmas.

We had Megan's friend Andrea take some pictures of our family last night so that I could get some Christmas cards sent out. Here are a few of the proofs . . .

The "real one" will be coming soon in the mail (if I have your address). If not, I will post it on my blog soon.

Take time to enjoy the season!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

I am thankful for . . .

I've been reading a lot of my friends' blogs and have been inspired to take time to list some of the things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for . . .
* My husband
* My kids
* My parents
* My brothers and sister
* My in-laws
* My grandparents
* My home
* My health
* My friends
* My testimony of the Gospel
* My many, many, many blessings

I am so very blessed! I thank my Heavenly Father for loving me so much and for blessing me with so much each day!