Friday, July 31, 2009

Long time . . . no . . . ME!!!

Quick catch up since the last post ~

Mocha died the middle of May. We don't know why. He just died during the night. We were all devastated. We felt the need to have a dog, so we went to get us a cute puppy and ended up with 2 puppies. Now Rico and Mazi are part of our family. They are part Miniature Pincher and part Cocker Spaniel. Rico is more Spaniel and Mazi is more Pincher right now. We sure didn't know what we had in Mocha until he was gone. He was such a smart, good dog! We miss him so much!

Megan (16) participated with the Granite Youth Symphony this summer. They played a few concerts around Salt Lake and then they went to St. George and California for their summer tour. She had a great time! She has been doing EHS (Electronic High School) this summer to earn credits so she can do more towards college in high school. She wants to do something in the medical field - nursing or OBGYN, she isn't 100% sure yet. She is getting ready to go to girl's camp next week. Both her and Amanda are going to be doing the 4th year overnight hike this year. We'll see how much fun they have with that.

Amanda (15) had the opportunity to go to France this summer. They visited Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland. She had a wonderful time! Between getting her learner's permit, going to France and the new Harry Potter movie, Amanda has had a wonderful summer! Now she is preparing for girl's camp next week then starting at Kearns High the end of August.

Lexi (11) went to Mill Hollow a few weeks ago. She had a good time. Not sure how much fun she had cause she is so quiet and keeps her comments to herself (most of the time anyway). She just started 6th grade this week. It is hard to believe my tiny little Lexi is growing up so fast. She is in a growing spurt right now and is changing from a little girl to a young woman. Lexi has been quite a reader this summer. She is almost finished with the Twilight Series.

Kristen (9) has been playing on a competition softball team this summer. She is part of the Fox Hills Foxies. They have done very well considering they are a beginning (8 and under) rec team. She just started 4th grade this week. She is quite a social butterfly and just HAS to be with her friends as much as possible.

Zac (5) is asking every day if tomorrow is Monday. He wants to start school so bad. He will be starting Kindergarten this coming Monday. He is excited and so am I!!! I will miss him dearly, but it will be nice to have him busy and in school.

Jason and I have lost a combined weight of 85 pounds this year. I have lost 45 pounds so far and Jason has lost 40 pounds. We are following a "no carb, high protein, no processed or refined foods" diet. (Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution is the book we have read and are basing our diets off of.) We are feeling much better! I no longer have to take medication for my diabetes since I've got it under control with my diet. It is awesome! I told Jason I am on my way to wearing that bikini on a beach for our 20th anniversary. I still have 2+ years to get there :) I'm not going to back down on this goal!

Since my last post my parents have returned from their mission in Auckland New Zealand. It is hard to believe only a year ago I was preparing for my trip to visit them. I'd love to go back again!!! My dad is still having some health problems, but is doing okay. Mom is starting in with health problems of her own. I've got to get them started eating right and see if we can get them healthy again. We love having them just right up the street from us (well, a few miles east of us anyway).

I've spent quite a lot of time with my grandma. Everyone knows Grandma Mackay, right? She is 87 years old and is doing wonderful! I love to spend time taking her places and just sitting and visiting with her. I love my grandma so much!

That's about all for my update for now. For my friends who are frequent bloggers, I will try to do better on my blog. I just get hooked on Facebook and working all the time and don't think to blog anymore.

I've got such a wonderful family and wonderful friends!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Since I discovered Facebook I have totally neglected my blog. I haven't been able to find time to keep up with everything I have to do lately. I am sitting up waiting for Megan's Sweet 16 birthday party to wind down. I think I'll have a few more hours to play on the computer before it is time to take kids home.

Yes, my baby is 16 today!!! I can vividly remember the happenings of February 19 and 20, 1993. Megan came out kicking and screaming at 4:14 a.m. What a blessing she is in my life! She has really grown up fast. My little baby is now 16!!!!

Megan asked Kwinton Payn to go to Sweetheart's Ball at Kearns High last week. They had a lot of fun! It was quite an experience to go out shopping for a dress that was modest. We ended up finding a halter dress and getting a little jacket to cover her shoulders. It only took us 15 hours to find a dress and shoes. It was worth every minute shopping when I saw her leave the house for the dance! Thanks to Auntie Meredith for doing Megan's hair!!! Start preparing for the next dance ;)

Megan and Kwinton went in a group of 6 to the dance. The couple in the red is Megan's BFF Andrea and her date Michael. The couple in the blue is Megan's friend Tyler (girl) and her friend Alex. They had a very busy, very fun day that finally ended at about 2:30 a.m. I thought everyone would like to see pictures of Megan on her first date :)

Next thing coming up for Megan . . . DRIVER'S LICENSE!!!!! (Monday afternoon - YIKES!!!)